Pop some bottles: It's Two Years Eve!

I take any excuse that I possibly can to celebrate. Great day? Celebrate! Bad day? Celebrate that it’s over!

A few of my favourite days to celebrate:

  • My birthday (July 23!)

  • My husband + baby’s birthdays (September 7, March 31!)

  • My anniversary (July 12!)

  • My fire-aversary - yep, I still celebrate on the day I was laid off! (August 3!)

  • Every round number of the podcast (“We’ve done 10/20/30/…60 episodes!)

  • New Years Eve!

NYE brings a special kind of celebration - its packed with opportunities for reflection, bubbles, snacks, and an opportunity to tune up what we call our “family manifesto”. We (okay, I…) grab a notebook and over dinner or drinks, I take the minutes! We talk about our wins, our lessons, what we want from the year ahead. We crack jokes and laugh about the ridiculous things that have happened throughout the year (or let’s be honest, in the few weeks prior) because our while we want to believe we remember everything, we simply don’t.

I CRAVE New Years Eve Energy.

An opportunity to celebrate, to reflect, to laugh, and to start fresh.

But I want it more than once a year.

This is why I created “Two Years Eve”.

June 30th is the midpoint in the year, and a natural place to do some reflecting, celebrating, and planning - before you forget everything that’s happened. Two Years Eve is a chance to celebrate AGAIN.

If you’re like me, you love a guide. Worksheets give you excited goosebumps. Maybe you even have a printer

(It’s not just me who has one, right? I love my printer and refuse to get rid of it! You can’t beat pen and paper!)

I’ve created a two-page reflection guide for you, and I encourage you to celebrate Two Years Eve. Grab your dinner and beverage of choice! Grab a partner if you want. Put on some tunes. It’s time to look back on the last six months and forward to the next six.

Grab Your TYE Guide

BONUS: Want to hear some of the things I’m reflecting on? And eavesdrop on what Liz experienced in the first six months of 2022? Check out Episode 63 of The Amanda Wagner podcast and eavesdrop your heart out!

Pop some bottles, and cheers to you and TYE,


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