Tying up loose ends: Year end reflection + Focus

Nothing makes me feel better than when my past-self has the motivation/foresight to do something that my future-self will benefit from.

As much as I’d love to simply close my computer and lock my office door at the end of December or right before a holiday or vacation break and pretend that future-me will have more energy to deal with it, there is no better feeling than coming back to a tidy space (free of all the coffee cups and piles of paper) with a focused brain (free of all the ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds’ and resentments).

In the last week before a break, I always seem to convince myself that I can “squeeze in one more thing” and then suffer from self-inflicted grouchiness (including heavy sighs and harrumphing around).

Despite my grumpiness, I insist on completing some kind of “year at a glance” review and reflection. And not just because I am convincing myself that “202X will be my BEST YEAR EVAR!” but because it’s one of the ways to see my challenges, my victories, and make decisions about the upcoming year. Plus, it means that my time off is truly time off, sans dread and counting down until when I have to go back to my mess.

My future-self will appreciate that I took this time. And I’m playing a long game.

Instead of hunting for someone else’s end of year review, I made my own - based on a question I often ask myself and my clients - “What do you need to hear?”

I mapped out what questions I wanted to know the answers to, what I wanted to reflect on, and what I wanted to set up and get ready for when I get back into the groove after the break.

BONUS: I want you to have it too. You can download my Five Step Reflection + Planning document below. This document includes reflection prompts, specific things for you to consider, and an chance for you to list your victories and successes! (I even include scripts to follow up on overdue invoices and set your out of office notification, plus some resources to help you tidy your inbox and to reduce stress over the holidays!)

Cheers to you and your future self - you’ll be thanking your past-self for taking this time now (and you’ll rest easier over the break!)

Amanda Wagner